Monday, August 11, 2008


So we finally got around to doing something with are yard, not finished yet cause when you live on a quarter of an acre it can take awhile. Anyway, as Jeremy was doing his manly chainsaw thing I was moving logs from a bush we cut down earlier and some cinder blocks that had been sitting around awhile when I came across 2 garter snakes. Jeremy doesn't mind picking them up so he did and then he let each of the kids hold it. Ewww, but they didn't mind. I can't believe Ashlyne did it, I would have never at her age, well I still will never!!


gnomeswife77 said...

That's fun that they are so brave. Good job for letting them explore. love ya hun.

Heather said...

Brave little things. Good job on the progress of the backyard!

Vic said...

OH GOSH snakes! what is up with girls and SNAKES! SCARY!